Najlepsze narzędzie 2024
dla rynku pracy

Looking for a job?

Try JobTrack!

Thanks to artificial intelligence, we search millions of websites to match you with the best job offers. But that's not all you get:

  • Find most of the job offers from the internet in one place, saving time, perfectly matched to what you are looking for.
  • Easily apply with one click or let us automatically send your CV to the most suitable offers.
  • If you want, we will send you notifications about new job offers in real-time - in the mobile app, via email, or on the website.
  • When we don't find a job that meets your criteria, for example in your city, we will notify you as soon as such an offer appears - you will be the first.
  • We can also send you job offers before they appear publicly, according to your qualifications and expectations.
  • Everything is and always will be free.
Job Track for job seekers

How does Job Track help you find a job?


You spend a lot of time looking for job ads, applying, and recruiting

  • Manually browse social media, job portals, and company websites, and often you still don't see all the offers
  • To apply, create accounts, fill out forms, send CVs, write cover letters, and then often don't know what happens to your application
  • Miss new job offers or those that are not public but could be perfect for you

using Job Track

Fast and efficient process of finding job offers, applying, and recruiting

  • Our bots automatically search thousands of job portals, government bulletins, social media, and company websites every hour to find the best job offers for you
  • Apply with one click or automatically send your CV to the most suitable job offers, track the recruitment progress in real-time
  • You won't miss any attractive job offers because as soon as it appears, you can receive a notification in the mobile app, via email, or on the website. We can also send your CV.

Using Job Track is fast and simple


Create a free account

You can quickly create an account by providing only the necessary information. The entire registration process in Job Track takes only a few minutes.


Fill in your preferences

Fill out a short form indicating what kind of job you are looking for, where, and what your expectations are.


Enjoy efficient recruitment

You can conveniently browse job offers and apply or automatically send your CV. We can also track job offers and notify you immediately when the perfect one for you appears.