Najlepsze narzędzie 2024
dla rynku pracy

Looking for an employee?

Try JobTrack!

Create a free employer account and start recruiting now!

  • Reach hundreds of thousands of job seekers and growing
  • Mobile Web Push notifications about your offer to those who meet the criteria
  • Promotion of the ad on social media and on our dozens of job boards
  • Verification of candidates' data and education
  • Individual care from a Customer Success consultant
For employers

Imagine better recruitment


Time-consuming and inefficient recruitment processes

  • Low response to ads or candidates not meeting criteria
  • Manually adding ads to many job boards or social media
  • Time-consuming and labor-intensive verification of candidates' skills and data
  • Low level of effective recruitment, costly and labor-intensive

in JobTrack

Super effective and efficient recruitment thanks to advanced technology

  • High response to recruitment of valuable candidates
  • We take care of the promotion of ads on social media, on dozens of job boards, and to candidates registered in Job Track
  • Our AI and Machine Learning automatically verify candidates' skills and data
  • High level of effective recruitment in less time and lower costs

Using Job Track for employers is simple


Send us your job ad

You can manually enter the offer, upload a file or the website address with the job offer


Pay for publication and promotion of the ad

You can conveniently make a payment online. Then your individual advisor will quickly review the ad and we will start its publication and promotion. Flexible price depending on the type of ad.


Applications from candidates

Applications from job seekers can be stored in Job Track or sent to the system you use. Especially if you hire remotely, we can verify personal data and candidates' education.